Monday, June 15, 2015

Are you ready for this?

If you are like me, those five words conjure up memories of "Jock Jams" from back in the 90's.  (And now that song will be playing in the back of your head for the rest of the day... so sorry about that).

But seriously, the point I want to address today is this:  according to a 2014 Gallup poll, 51% of American adults say they want or need to lose weight; however, only half of them reported making a conscious effort to do so.  There is a good bit of speculation as to why that is, but looking at weight loss in the following context might shed some light on the matter.

A bit of psychobabble (but not too much)

The Stage Theory (also known as Transtheoretical Model) was developed in the 1980's by three researchers named Proschaska, Norcross, and Diclemente.  They conducted a massive study of over 30,000 people who had successfully lost weight, quit smoking, or made some other major lifestyle change on their own without professional help.  Their findings led them to create a continuum of stages that people go through on the path to successful changeFor the sake of time and sanity I'm going to focus on the most relevant ones for the topic at hand.

Are you thinking about starting a fitness program?  Maybe you are doing research, or asking questions, or discussing it with friends and family. You are thinking about it a lot, but still not quite ready to pull the trigger just yet.  Maybe you are waiting for "the right time," or feel uncertain as to whether you can really do it.  If this is where you are, then you are in the contemplation stage. 

If this is where you are right now, I would suggest you think about the reasons why you want to start a fitness program.  Do you want to have more energy and be more active?  Are you concerned with health issues?  Perhaps you just want to feel more comfortable in your own skin? 

Once you've identified the general reason, then elaborate on what it will mean to you.  For example, if you want more energy, think about how it will feel to run around and play with your kids (or grandkids!), as opposed to watching from the sidelines.  What would it be like to spend weekends playing tennis or going for a hike with your spouse, rather than sitting in front of the TV?  Imagine going shopping for a new outfit, finding something fabulous in your size, trying it on and LOVING what you see in the mirror?  These are just a few examples- come up with your own ideas that get YOU excited!

Your "WHY" has to be powerful and compelling enough to push you through the tough times, so that in the end, all the hard work and sacrifice will be WORTH IT!

Next time we will look at the Preparation stage, and the next best steps you can take to push yourself into Action!!!!

Want to learn more about Beachbody's world class fitness products?  Check out my website:

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