Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hello, I'm back!

Hey friends!  👩🏻
So it's been a while, but lately I am feeling pulled to share some things with you.  As many of you know, I celebrated my 50th birthday this past May, and although I feel very blessed and priveleged for a number of reasons, I am definitely feeling and seeing some of the not-so-desirable effects of shifting hormones, chronic stress, and a half century of lifestyle choices, both good and bad.

As many of you also know, I am raising a now 10-year-old son with several special needs, along with a husband who is loving and supportive- but also travels frequently on business.  With everything that entails, things like adequate sleep, self-care and social life are consistently on the back burner.  My thoughts are scattered, my house is a mess, my body is blowing up like a balloon, and my mind is cluttered with intentions and ideas that I am just too exhausted to follow through with.

It is incredibly hard for me just to type these words, let alone put them out there for the world to see.  But I think it is important to be honest and authentic about my own very real challenges, so that I will be better able to help and serve YOU.  Besides, I truly believe that every trial in my life is God's way of setting me up for my next assignment, which benefits not only me, but everyone I have the privelege of connecting with from here on out.

Back in grade school I played the title role in "Annie."  During a critical scene in the show when all seemed lost, I belted out "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow; you're only a day away!"  Naive?  Perhaps.  But even if things don't suddenly look clear and bright "tomorrow," it's still another day closer to a time that they will be.  In the meantime, I promise to share with all of you the things I learn and discover along the way- and I hope you will share with me, too!

So who's with me?  Please comment below and share!💕💕💕